The Sacraments
The divine grace of God is experienced by Catholic believers through the seven sacraments - rites instituted by Jesus and practiced by His followers. Just as Jesus is both human and divine, the sacraments are physical signs that give the very divine grace they symbolize. Through the sacraments we receive Jesus.
As the first and foundational sacrament, Baptism symbolizes the death and resurrection of Christ, incorporating recipients into the Church in a bond of unity. Using water to represent this spiritual rebirth, the recipient is cleansed of sin and adopted into the family of God.
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Commonly known as Holy Communion, this sacrament of bread and wine becomes the gift of the Body and Blood of Christ, given to us freely by God for the forgiveness of our sins. As we share in this meal and sacrifice, we are privileged to adore the presence of the Lord. The Holy Eucharist is the focal point of the Mass.
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This sacrament is the culmination of the process through which the baptized is sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit and strengthened for service to the Body of Christ. Individuals prepare for Confirmation through service to those in need and study of Catholic principles so that at Confirmation, he or she can recommit to participate in the Church's mission and imitate the love and service of Christ.
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A gift of reconciliation and healing, the recipient confesses his or her sins. God moves through the voice of the priest to embrace, forgive, and restore the individual, absolving him or her sin and reconciling him or hew with the Church. Frequent confession empowers you to grow closer to Christ and His body, the Church.
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Anointing of the Sick
Through this sacrament, a priest prays for recovery from illness, God willing. For the sick about to leave this earthly life, the priest prays that the recipient will have a strengthened soul as they bear the final burden of their illness. When received by the dying it is referred to by some as Last Rites, this sacrament absolves the recipient of any sin he or she has not confessed and unites his or her own suffering and dying to that of Christ and the hope of life eternal with Him.
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Holy Orders
This sacrament is given to bishops, priests, and deacons, those called to serve the spiritual needs of those in Church after completion of sufficient spiritual and theological training.
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This covenant of permanent union between a husband and wife displays Christ's spousal love for His Church. Symbolizing the sacrificial love of Christ, this sacrament calls husband and wife to love each other in the same way.
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These outward expressions of God's grace bridge the physical and spiritual, the body and soul, to cleanse us of our sins and make us holy in the sight of God. Through the faith community, the sacraments built up the body of Christ and are held as acts of worship to God.