Prayer Line
St. John's has a group of people who have agreed to be Intercessors for their fellow parish family members. It is a way for people to gain God's assistance through prayer for any need by permitting the Intercessor to pray as Jesus prayed. It is interceding or praying on behalf of one another.
Intercession:Intercession is a prayer of petitions for the interests and needs of others. The commitment to pray for others is a sacred privilege and is an example of faith in action.
Sample Prayer That Can Be Used:
Gracious and loving Father, You know the hearts of Your faithful. Be with _________ who is in need, search their hearts and grant to them all that they need. Please send Your Holy Spirit upon them to comfort them with Your consolation and love. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Gracious and loving Father, You know the hearts of Your faithful. Be with _________ who is in need, search their hearts and grant to them all that they need. Please send Your Holy Spirit upon them to comfort them with Your consolation and love. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Request a Prayer Intention
If you have a particular need or loved one that you would like prayers said for, please contact the Parish Office to be included on the list.
All names will remain confidential unless otherwise noted.
All names will remain confidential unless otherwise noted.
Join the Prayer Line
If you feel called to pray for those around you, please contact the Parish Office.
First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people (Romans 8:26)